
Calendar/Priority List Ideas

In Phase 1 of the TWEAK IT practice, you create your TWEAK IT snapshot, which is a calendar and priority list system that allows you to track your actions and priorities at work and in your personal life in one complete picture.

To make creating your TWEAK IT snapshot as simple as possible, we suggest you use the most common calendaring and priority list systems. Preferably, stick with and build upon the one you are already familiar and comfortble with.

In the book, some caledar options discussed include:

  • Outlook or Google work calendar and personal calendar displayed together. 
  • An Outlook work caledar with a Google personal calendar opened in a separate url, but easy to refer to.
  • An Outlook or Google work calendar and paper personal calendar open and easy to refer to. 

Here are links to online tutorials:

Getting the Most Out of Your Google Calendar–Digitwirl, and TWEAK IT Inspiration Expert, Carley Knobloch

Outlook 2010: Time Management with Calendar and Tasks –  

Priority tracking systems discussed in the book:

  • Remember the Milk
  • Action Method 

Again, please use the system you feel most comfortable with. KEEP IT SIMPLE! And feel free to send us your suggestions. We love to share them with the TWEAK IT community!